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  • Radware Captcha Page
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Just Shop Reward member benefits. Spend and earn. Bonus benefits. Be rewarded. Plus a little more...

JUST SHOPâ„¢ REWARDS is a customer loyalty program operated in Australia and New Zealand by Just Group Limited ACN 096 911 410. The brands participating in JUST SHOPâ„¢ are limited to Dottiâ„¢, Jacqui Eâ„¢, Jay Jaysâ„¢, Just Jeansâ„¢ and Portmansâ„¢. You must be aged 15+ to join JUST SHOPâ„¢ REWARDS. Keep your membership information safe. We are not responsible for unused Points or Vouchers, or any failure to identify yourself when shopping with us.

JUST SHOPâ„¢ REWARDS replaces the previous Just Jeans loyalty program of the same name, which ended on 14 October 2024. If you hold an existing Just Jeans loyalty program voucher, that voucher remains valid until it expires. The 5% online discount previously offered to Just Shop members is no longer available. Under the new JUST SHOP REWARDS program, this benefit has been replaced with the ability to earn Just Shop Reward Points when making an online purchase.

If you have any questions, please visit our help centre

View the full JUST SHOPâ„¢ REWARDS program Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy